I met a man with 7 wives
Said he, "It's much more fun
than gettting stuck with only one."
Polyamory and slaves.
In previous posts, I've talked about polyamory in relationships, and also about the ethics and benefits of poly but I haven't explained how this fits into a BDSM relationship so I will now take the opportunity to explain how I apply BDSM to poly relationships.
When I get a new slave, she must get along with the other slaves and the other slaves absolutely must welcome her. Keep in mind that this applies to permanent slaves that the intention is to collar. This most definitely is not for casual play partners (although it has sort of spontaneously happened with one wonderful little girl whom became a 'Water Brother' just because...she's awesome. I will talk about the Water Brother concept too.) So let's take a look at the dynamics and how this can happen:
First and foremost, a slave must understand the concept of a Water Brother. This comes from Robert
A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, which is a required read. A Water Brother is one with whom you share water. Water is the most fundamental and precious liquid source of life. It is full of the lifeforce energy that makes up all of us -- and is the common binding element that makes up 80% of our bodies. Sharing Water is a sacred ceremony where you acknowledge that the oneness of your being with the other and vow to honor that being for all time as part of your own being. Jealousy being Water Brothers makes as much sense as my arm being jealous of my back during a back massage. The water that flows through all of us binds us together and unites us. While we have different roles, if you are a Water Brother, you are part of the flock, trusted and looked after as well as having a duty to look after the others needs as you look after your own.
A key concept here is giving up the notion of competition. You can never be in competition with a Water Brother as each Water Brother brings strength to the whole. My fingers don't compete to type this: they work together to type much faster than they could individually while sharing the burden so each finger contributes only a small share of the burden to accomplish a much grander task of typing this sentence.
So when a new slave is welcomed into the household, the other slaves must welcome her with their entire hearts, minds and bodies. She is a new sister and member of the family -- she should be viewed a new sex partner and a helping hand who will lighten the burden of everyone while contributing her unique skills and energy to make everyone's life better.
Trust is paramount. Slave sisters are not permitted to lie nor deceive each other in any way.
Love is king. Slave sisters will be instructed to love each other and trained to open their hearts.
Devotion to their Master will be the unifying force. Whenever a conflict should arise, it is the Master's duty to smooth everything over buy helping each slave open to the possibility of love with her sister as a duty that is a part of serving their Master.
So a slave sister looks upon a new sister as a new wife for her. She is every bit as important as a wife and she must tend to her needs as a wife. Of course I believe that people grow much closer through sexual contact and orgasming together and so it is a duty of each slave sister to cum with each other sister at least twice a day. Obviously, the more sisters there are, the greater a burden this becomes and if my clan grows to a size that this becomes impractical, I will devise a system where lovers are rotated.
So, with the tantric tradition of our bodies being energy first with a huge energy center in our hearts, slave sisters will be instructed on opening their hearts to one another -- feeling the physical sensation of love. This can be accomplished by using tantric energy exercises (lol, that's a blog post all on it's own) and through eye gazing exercises to begin with. Eye gazing is quite simple: Slaves are arranged so they are standing and gazing into each other's eyes Then I guide their minds with my voice (and using some hypnosis...again, that's another post but a damn powerful tool when used by a responsible Master). I guide them to look into each other's souls and see the vulnerabilities, the scared little girls, looking at the parts that thought they could never be loved...so they realize that deep down they are both wanting to be loved. While constantly gazing into each other's eyes, I have them open up to each other, mentally showing the other the parts of themselves that feel unworthy of love...and invite them to embrace each other and love those parts. Sisters must love and accept their sisters for all their faults and weaknesses as well as strengths. If a sister has a disability or sickness...the other girls are there to help her. Why? Because they are family now.
Slave sisters are trained and encouraged into a state of compersion (see the polyamory post that discusses this). Compersion has been likened to the opposite emotion of jealousy. If a sister sees 2 other sisters making love -- she feels joy at their union: happy that her lovers are finding joy in each other. If she wishes to join in, she may and the other sisters will joyously accept her into the playtime.
As this process continues (and it is a process that takes some time...new slave sisters can take to it like a fish to water or struggle with it...and those that struggle must be lead by example to break their old, selfish habits of limited love) a slave sister becomes ever more confident in trusting her sisters completely -- and unlike many relationships, knows that her Master will punish her for being small, petty and unsharing and that he will also guarantee the loyalty and devotion of her sisters to her. Traditional relationships have no such guarantees and often suffer from fears as one partner pulls away and the other pulls back fearful of being hurt. This is simply not an option amongst slave sisters and so I offer them an opportunity of loving freely and deeply without the risk of being hurt.

I want to state clearly here that I don't look at love-making with multiple slaves from a purely selfish perspective of having multiple girls to please me. In actual fact, it's a lot more work and requires skill and empathy to do correctly -- but a key is making sure that the girls are enjoying themselves with each other. If they are happy, that is the number one thing that makes me happy. Slaves joyously loving each other and cumming with each other is my number one goal.
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