These are the fundamental rights I give unconditionally to each and every slave of mine. A note on the word slut: slut is a very very good in my book. The most wonderful and desirable kind of girl in the world is a slut. They are the best and I wish more girls were good sluts. Being a slut should be a title a slave wears with pride. A slut is a girl who loves a lot, adores pleasure and loves to give pleasure too. What's not to love? These rights are irrevocable and your core rights that will never be removed:
10 Fundamental Rights of a Slut
1. Must be allowed at least one orgasm per day if wanted. She may negotiate the use of some forced chastity play or orgasm denial but this is a short term negotiation only and she may only endure such behaviors with her consent. She has a fundamental right to at least one orgasm per day, no matter what.
2. Must be allowed to grind against her Master and behave with sneaky public sexuality. This right is to ensure that the slut never loses track of her primary purpose as a sexual being. But keep in mind that public restaurant patrons have not consented to public sexuality and so their right will also be respected. She also has the right to attend some parties and social gatherings attended by people of the BDSM community for social interaction and, within these social gatherings behave as slutty as she desires with her Master.

4. Must be allowed to demand sex, even if Master is in the middle of doing something. Asking for sex will always be respected and never result in growling or chastisement. Sex is fundamental to a slut's well being and she will always be encouraged to be sexual at all times.

6. Must be allowed to be sexual with any of the other slaves. Master's slaves are part of her family and she has the right to ask for sex from any of the other slaves. This right allows the slut to promote household harmony though mutual orgasm.
7. Must be allowed to join in unless she has been specifically tasked. A slut who is otherwise unengaged and without orders to the contrary, shall be allowed to join in to any sexual activity that her Master is engaged in. For clarity, if the Master is fucking one slave's ass and the slut hears this and wishes to assist, then she has the right to join in and help out --even without specific orders from her Master. This is a right designed to encourage inclusion and not have the slut feel ignored nor that she is intruding: she is simply exercising one of her fundamental rights.
8. Must be allowed to send Master dirty pictures and messages even if he is at work. The slut is full of unbridled desires and needs the right to communicate her dirty thoughts and activities to her Master even while he is out earning money for more sex toys and slut clothing. All communications will be through private means however (ie. cell phone) and not through company email and communication lines that may result in the expulsion of the Master from his wage earning activities.

10. Must be allowed to watch and/or use porn during any and all sexual activities. The slut has very little control over her life and therefore shall be allowed to watch whatever porn she chooses during any sexual encounter or while masturbating. She will not be denied the right to touch herself while watching porn.
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